Here is the complete guide about Agha Khan Medical College Admission, Including Agha Khan University Fee structure for MBBS and AKU Entry test Syllabus for admission to MBBS.
I deemed it to be my responsibility to share my own experience with future students, and thus, I Have written this guide for AKU Entry test Preparation.
The Aku Entry test Divided into two Section
- English
- Science and Mathematics
- Reading
- Error Detection
- Completion of sentence
The time allowed for this section is 60 Minutes
It is a basic grammar and sentence structure (simpler than the SAT). Furthermore, most of those who did manage to get in AKU (especially after this change in the English section didn’t go out of their way to prepare for English.
- 20 MCQs From biology
- 20 MCQs From Physics
- 20 MCQs From Chemistry
- Mathematics Reasoning 30 MCQs
- 30 MCQs from Science Reasoning
The time allowed for this section is 2 hours and 15 Minutes
Both of these components (English & Science) have a minimum pass percentage that varies from year to year based on the student’s performance, and if you meet that minimum in both components, you have cleared the test. What is that minimum percentage you ask?
Well, its usually between 60% and 70% for the sciences, and slightly lower for English.
This Article Preparation Guide for Admission in MBBS Agha Khan University, Written By Mohammad Yasrab MBBS Class of 2022 Agha Khan University.
I hope this helps Foreword As an ambitious pre-medical student in Pakistan, Aga Khan University (AKU) is at the top of the list of places I want to get admitted into. When I first came to know about AKU, I developed this attitude that if am going to receive training to become a doctor in Pakistan.
Admission will be open in June and July for MBBS. Each Year About 100 Students get Admission To the AKU MBBS Program.
It’s either going to be from AKU or it’s not going to be at all! A tad bit extreme, perhaps, but that motivation may just be what enabled me to be accepted into this prestigious university. The entire MBBS admission procedure in Pakistan itself is a rollercoaster.

Lots of ups and downs are there to greet you on this journey. But we won’t deal with that here. (here, ) m going to stick solely to the entire process related to admissions into AKU.
I will also write this out in a rather informal tone, simply because there s lots to cover, and want to write it such that it seems like a conversation with the reader and doesn’t become overwhelmingly tedious.
Thus, although I have arranged this in sections/chapters, you will see that ) I added comments and my thoughts along the way, which may or may not be related directly to that particular section.
Before moving on, there is one thing I want to state early on if you want to get into AKU, you need to be committed to it and act on that commitment.
What I mean is that, if you’re reading this guide, I would expect that you have visited their website, and have gone through the pages about their medical college.
Know what AKU offers apart from the MBBS program, know what the logo represents, have some insight regarding the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), and have downloaded their MBBS Admission Information booklet for the year in which you re-applying.
Dont do all of this because said so; do it because you want to get into AKU and to accomplish that goal, you know that you ll have to go out of your way to learn about AKU and its MBBS program to truly comprehend what you re going 3 for.
You already should have gone through that booklet at the very least and understood it in the letter. At the time am writing this, this is the main page for their MBBS page:A
The least you can do is go through the links located towards the left, including Programme information. If nothing else, please do read the minimum eligibility criteria in the Programme information booklet before proceeding to read this guide.
Another thing I would like to say and this is especially important if you’re reading this some four or so years after my experience in case it was not obvious,
went through this process in 2021 is that your immediate seniors who passed the test or successfully got into AKU should be your first source of information, and this guide should not be considered to be a substitute but a supplement to that.
Read:- Army Medical College Admission
- Fsc Pre-Medical Students
- A-Level Students
A-level Students must submit their equivalence certificate from the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen.
In fact, you do need a 75% in the entry test to be eligible for the scholarships that they provide, which I will discuss towards the end of this booklet. Anyway, shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Anyway, now I will narrate my experience and give advice and tips as we progress. of course, provide details as I deem fit, but I expect you to know the very basics about what the process is, what is included in the entry test, the yearly admission schedule, and so on.
Read:- Nums Entry Test 2023 Preparation
The Admission Cycle Opens Around the middle of June, AKU opened its admissions cycle for the MBBS program. Each year it opens around that time. Once the admissions are open, the next step is to head over to this link to start your application.
- Register yourself here and complete your online application.
- Once the application is completed and you’ve made your payment, apply with the required documents.
- The deadline to complete the application and send the required documents was the 15th of July this year.
- After the application form is sent, you will receive a package from AKU.
- That package will give you the date of their entry/aptitude test as well as the venue and other details.
- The venue, of course, will be in whatever city you select from the test cities available when you are filling in the online application.
- Keep everything with you and read it all thoroughly.
Yes, all of this might take place right in the middle of your final exams, but you’ll have to manage. Stick to documents that are needed and don’t overburden yourself or be too paranoid. Also, if you have any questions, do comment.
I cannot stress enough how important this is.
Contact Us as much as you want. After all, they are there to help you, right? It also shows that you really are interested, and you probably are if you are taking it this seriously. Articulate your emails well, of course. Keep it formal. As far as attestation is concerned, you can have that done by your school principal or by a 17th-grade government officer.
The Entry Test Now, let’s talk about the first major hurdle: the entry test. it will be held on the 11th of June. I was appearing for it from Lahore, just by the way.
The venue will be Qasar-e-Noor Barat Ghar/Community Center, Model Town, Lahore. I am not sure whether this varies or not.
Nonetheless, the center and arrangement are amazing. I will talk about that in a while. Anyway, I had my A-Level exams completed by the 8th of June.
They will give you a list of documents that they will need (such as your A-Level result when it comes out, IBBC equivalence, HSSC result, etc.) as well as the deadlines. Keep that in a safe place too. Oh, and for those of you who are in Karachi, AKU also has an on-campus Open Day scheduled sometime in March for which schools in Karachi can register their students.

It includes an informative presentation, and if nothing else you get three hours in an air-conditioned auditorium and a goody bag with stationery, bearing the university’s name.
Getting excited already? The university is also kind enough to give you a basic tour of the campus, which (conveniently) will take place during school hours! All the more reason to consider AKU for your MBBS, no?
Those of you who aren’t t in Karachi don’t need to worry because all of the necessary information provided in the said presentation is available in the information booklet (linked in the previous section) as well. This is just a perk for those who are applying from Karachi.
Having spent the previous five months (since the start of the year) with science books, I was thoroughly exhausted by the time my papers were done. I even sat for the SAT Subject Tests of the three sciences on the 3rd of June. Thus, I took a break for a couple of days, and what do you know?
The AKU entry test was twenty days away! But, don t panic! Things aren’t as bleak as they seem.
They keep it right at the start of the summer (in the past there were times when it was scheduled even earlier, sometimes in June), so they have some mechanism to make things slightly easier, right? Yes, right. AKU entry test works differently compared to our local (MDCAT 2024).
Here is the AKU Preparation guide for admission to MBBS.
- English
- Science
They have two components: an English section and a sciences section.
the passing percentage was 64% for the sciences component and has heard it go as high as74 % and as low as 63% in the previous years) and 55% for English. It, of course, goes without saying that you should not aim for a 65% in the sciences portion to score 65%. I can tell you 7 that I was thinking about 80%, and my score was nowhere near that (even though I did pass).
The purpose behind telling you these numbers in the first place is to calm you down, not to convince you to aim low. Besides, scoring higher never hurts your chances, so why would you risk it?
But why then is the AKU test notorious for being the scariest entry test ever? Read on and perhaps we can arrive at an answer.
The English Component Let’s dissect the test itself. The English component has been updated and it’s different compared to what it was back.
I would say that it has gotten easier. It seems that they took inspiration from or are directly working with the authorities that make the Password test for English.
AKU itself says, and I quote, The Aga Khan University English test is a sophisticated test of grammar and vocabulary in academic contexts.
The test consists of five sub-sections, to be completed in ONE hour. Candidates may log on to for additional practice tests. If you visit the link above, you will see Password English Language Tests.
What are the Password tests? The website describes them as Password tests that support educational institutions and other organizations by providing accurate and reliable independent assessments. Our gold-standard testing, which is aligned with international standards, can be run wherever and whenever required.
Thus, I searched English Test Practice on Google, and the very first link that popped up was a sample test from this very Go through this test to get an idea of what the AKU test’s English component is going to be like. It is not like what it used to be a couple of years ago. Back then, they had an essay.
So you shouldn’t focus too much on it, especially considering the generally low passing percentage. Give your time to the sciences instead. Of course, the pattern may change again, so keep an eye out for that. Just a reminder am writing this in.
The sciences part can be a bit daunting though.
They have a biology section, physics section, chemistry section, mathematical reasoning section, and a science reasoning section.
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
This section has 22 questions each with a negative marking (1 mark for a correct answer, -0.25 mark for an incorrect answer, and no marks for an unanswered question) in them while the two reasoning sections have thirty questions each with no negative marking (1 mark for a correct answer and no marks for an unanswered question, of course).
Now here s the catch no one knows for sure where they derive the questions from. I Have heard people say in the past that using the SAT Subject Test books worked best.
Others have said you should stick to your books, whether you are an FSc student or an A-Level student. Some have said that it’s all pro-A Level, while some insist it’s completely FSc-based.
Here is the AKU Entry Test Syllabus. You can also download this syllabus in PDF Format.
Those who say it’s FSc-based will then further be divided on the matter of which books and syllabi to follow. Some will say that we should rely on Sindh Board textbooks, while others will point toward the Punjab Board. Perhaps the Federal Board will work? Or, better yet, maybe AKU will follow the local Punjab MDCAT Syllabus 2024? Well, based on my experience.
You Should Prepare your Local Medical college entry test syllabus for the best score in the Agha Khan MBBS Admission test.
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