The NTA will shortly release the subject-wise exam schedule for the UGC NET 2024 June Cycle Exam, which is scheduled for June 10–21, 2024. The UGC NET June Cycle Notification will be out soon, therefore applicants preparing for the NET Exam 2024 need to start getting ready for the test.
One of the most important exams for students hoping to pursue a PhD or become assistant professors is the NTA NET Exam. For research candidates in particular, passing the NET Exam is a requirement for eligibility. As a result, thousands of applicants take the National Eligibility Test each year in the hopes of passing it with flying colours. Visit for more information.
Still, a lot of applicants want to know if they can pass the NTA NET Exam the first time around. This post will address the feasibility of cracking the UGC NET on the first try, and if it is feasible, how to do so. Visit for more information.
Can one successfully crack the UGC Net on their first try?
It is feasible to pass the June Cycle’s UGC NET 2024 exam on your first try. All you need is patience, perseverance, focus, and a solid plan. One thing needs to be understood very clearly: while it is possible to pass the UGC NET on your first try, it won’t be simple.
Many of the thousands of applicants who show up for the exam do so for the second or even third time. You should therefore devote all of your time, effort, and focus on the UGC NET exam and nothing else. Your health is the only thing on your mind besides the exam, and you can’t risk compromising it. And lastly, you must believe in your own ability to succeed. Visit for more information.
How Can I Pass the UGC Net on My First Try?
Now that you are aware of the exam’s difficulty level, you need a strategy and an awareness of the most useful resources to assist you ace the test. Save the previous year’s test questions, the exam structure, and the UGC NET Syllabus 2024. Visit for more information.

These are the resources that will support you as you get ready. Now let’s get started with the advice that will enable you to pass the June Cycle UGC NET 2024 exam on your first try.
Prepare Daily UGC NET Exam Preparation Timetable
Creating a daily study timetable for UGC NET preparation can help you manage your time effectively. Here’s a sample timetable for one day. Keep in mind that you should adapt it to your specific needs and the subjects you are studying. UGC NET timetable assumes a balanced approach, with time allocated for both Paper 1 and your chosen subject paper.
Analyze the Syllabus and Exam Pattern
As mentioned above the candidates must keep a copy of the syllabus ready always. Now, go through the syllabus minutely and make sure you understand the extent of the syllabus properly. Go through the topics one by one and start making a mental note of your strong and weak points.

Simultaneous study the UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024 carefully. See the marks distribution and how many marks are dedicated to which sections. Based on your study of the syllabus and exam pattern, you will be able to make a strategy
Examine the Question Papers from Previous Years
Gather and examine the maximum number of UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers that you can. This will assist you in determining the kind and character of questions that have previously surfaced in recent years. You will begin to understand the format of questions and the kinds of questions that are asked in particular questions, respectively.
Make a strategy
Based on your understanding of the syllabus, exam pattern, and previous year’s question paper, you will be able to prepare a proper strategy for your preparation regime. While you strategize make sure you dedicate adequate time to all the subjects and topics to cover the syllabus properly.

Your strategy should be to create a balanced routine. It should neither turn into a hyperactive machine of collecting information rampantly nor make you lag behind your schedule
Break Down the Curriculum
The best way to create a balanced study routine is to break down your syllabus into smaller sections and dedicate adequate time to each section on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Set achievable and reasonable goals as your daily and weekly targets.
This will depend on the difficulty level of the section, your strengths, and weaknesses, and how many marks are allotted to the section. When you evaluate all these factors, you will get your answer. Finally, do not forget to allow time for breaks and relaxation, so you don’t feel guilty while taking a nap.
Follow your Routine
Needless to say, you have to follow your routine diligently to achieve the desired results. Achieve your daily and weekly. At the end of the week, evaluate your learning curve to monitor your progress. You have to study at least 10-12 hours daily to be able to get your concepts clear and understand every theory with its minutest detail.
Make Handmade Notes
While studying, try to make handmade notes. Later, organize the subject and topics. This will save you a lot of time in the final phase of your preparation. You won’t have to hop from one study material to another in search of the information you are looking for during your revision. Moreover, studies say that people tend to remember and recall more when they read and memorize things in their handwriting
Attempt Mock tests
Once you are done with your syllabus, start attempting Mock Tests. Mock tests are a great way to get acquainted with the pressure of solving question papers in a time-bound manner. Practice will help increase your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving skills.
Evaluate and Assess Your Progress
These mock tests are a great way to evaluate your performance. Scrutinize the result of each mock test and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Now, turn your focus on your weaknesses. Go through all those chapters, concepts, and theories that need your special attention. Work on them till you are satisfied with your preparation.
Focus on Revision
The more you revise, the more you will be able to retain the information in your brain. Revise the syllabus again and again. Do not leave any chapter thinking you have already covered it. Revise it again in case you might need it
Don’t Panic
No matter how hard or smart your study, all your hard work will go to waste if you start panicking and lose your cool during your exam. It is natural to feel anxious and nervous. However, don’t let your anxiousness rule your better judgment. Stay calm and composed during your exam. Do breathing exercises regularly to check your anxiety levels. Moreover, have faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Remember you have given all your energy, time, effort, and focus into the preparation for the UGC NET Exam. All you have to do is go and answer the questions. It is easier said than done. yet you have to give your best shot to be able to crack UGC NET in your first attempt