Keeping up a regular routine is extremely difficult for me as a repeater because of all the stress and anxiety. On the plus side, repeat students have an extended time allotted to them compared to first-time exam takers.
Compared to the novices, they also possess greater experience with the test’s format and format. However, in order to improve on their subsequent effort, repeaters may need to take note of what other repeaters have learned from their mistakes.
Choose Quality Over Quantity
Indeed, for repeaters, this is the most crucial guideline. It’s important to study in a way that will enable you to retain the material for an extended period of time. Given the uncertainties surrounding COVID, the MDCAT is provisionally scheduled for September or August, and you guys are beginning your preparations now. Thus, give quality precedence over quantity.

Make a plan and set priorities for your calendar. Choose the subjects that you struggled with the most on your last MDCAT exam. Apply this to every topic you study. Don’t worry if these subjects take longer to cover. You are strengthening your base, at least. And since you did well on the simple things before, those will be covered quickly.
Reliability is the Secret to Achievement
The only thing that counts is that you shouldn’t break the chain of constancy, regardless of how many pages or chapters you study. You must adjust to the everyday schedule of studying.
You’re doing well if you’re steady and consistent, so don’t worry about how far you’re getting. And you should have complete faith in your ability to succeed, knowing that your constancy will get you there.
Get MDCAT Past Papers for yourself
Reading books is vital, but so is solving prior papers. It provides you with a thorough grasp of the kinds of questions that are typically asked on the MDCAT. Therefore, start preparing for prior papers straight now.
You can better understand the type of questions to expect and how to tackle them by studying past papers. However, merely compiling resources from previous exams is insufficient; you also need to actively work through them while keeping a timer going.
The most crucial thing is to have your instructor check them. in order for you to fully understand your level of preparation and grow from your errors.
Begin with the Biology MDCAT
Generally speaking, biology is the longest but easiest subject. Developing concepts isn’t usually the issue. Simply said, the biology curriculum is too long to be kept.
That means you should dedicate a few hours each day to studying biology. In this manner, you’re devoting your time and effort on the subject that has the most multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and where the majority of the questions are just book lines.
It is imperative for repeaters to correctly answer more than 80 questions in Biology.
Formulas in Physics
Create a summary of all the physics formulae, or simply write down every physics formula found in the syllabus on a page to help you remember it.

Compile the formulas and complete at least 20 physics multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from any MDCAT book. The secret to physics is not to cram the material, but to know how to answer the questions.
English Vocabulary for MDCAT
Similar to physics, you should practice your MDCAT vocabulary gradually but progressively. But most of the time you have to cram here. Incorporate a minimum of 20 vocabulary words into your everyday routine. In addition, complete at least 20 phrasal verbs (there is no curriculum for phrasal verbs; just choose them at random).
Creating flashcards is the most effective way to learn new words. Create flashcards, carry them about in your pocket, and occasionally review them. Additionally, assess your knowledge by completing a written vocabulary test.
Repetition techniques, particularly oral and written ones, have been shown in studies to improve vocabulary recall. Written practice techniques yield better outcomes.
Put Chemistry First
Once biology is finished, begin studying MDCAT Chemistry. Chemistry requires adequate time because it is both a concept-building and a cramming subject.
And never forget to put new ideas you learn in writing.
Writing it down makes the material easier to remember.
Observe Your Sleep Pattern
It will be possible for you to adhere to your personal sleep schedule if you are not attending an academy or institute and studying at home, as is the case for the majority of repeaters. Adapt your schedule to your preferred time of day, whether you are an early riser or a night owl.

Avoid pressuring yourself to do otherwise, as this will sap your vitality for productive study sessions.
Reduce Your Use of Social Media
One of the most difficult things for a student nowadays is to avoid letting social media interfere with their academics. As it’s not as easy as it seems, here are some pointers for cutting back on social media use:
– As soon as you find MCQs in your newsfeed, join MDCAT groups and work through the questions. While you’re aimlessly scrolling, you might discover something new.
(Critical) Look After Your Mental Health
You cannot expect someone with fragile mental health to pass the MDCAT drill. Right now, you have ample time to focus on your education and self-improvement, so make the most of it.
-Take a daily jog or walk. Even for fifteen minutes, it can be helpful.
– Peruse encouraging content online. Fill your head with good thoughts.
Don’t set yourself up for failure. You are a human, not some kind of magical being that can pass the MDCAT with a score of 200 out of 200 or learn the full course in 15 days. Life will become easier if you set reasonable goals for yourself.
-Talk to your friends or family about your stress in an honest and open manner. They are able to assist!
-Acknowledge that you won’t always attain your wish. Things will start to improve the day you conquer your fear of failing.
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