Each year several students, both freshers and repeaters inclusive, strive in MDCAT to get admission to their long-desired colleges.
Freshers are full of ambitions and repeaters who have gone through a rough time, somehow gather up the courage to make another attempt and that’s completely great.
But a mistake they both make is the lack of practice. Repeaters might have the idea of practicing more and more MCQS but freshers mostly rely on gathering knowledge rather than practicing.
They also ask many questions regarding MCQS practice as they haven’t been provided with the proper guidance.
How much time should you practice MCQS for MDCAT?
It’s the most common and repeatedly asked question and the solution lies in the fact that which category you lie in i.e.
- Freshers who have completed their entire MDCAT syllabus once are advised to give 50% of their self-study time to MCQS practice
- Freshers and repeaters who have completed the syllabus twice or thrice are advised to give 70 to 80% of their self-study time to MCQS practice.
What to keep an eye on.
It’s another common practice that students always begin their preparation with textbook reading, and by that, they end up giving less time to the MCQS practice, which may affect their overall performance in the MDCAT exam.
So while studying, a student must keep in mind how he will be able to divide his time more satisfactorily.
Where to practice MCQS For MDCAT Entry Test from.
Students grasp the fact and understand the importance of attempting MCQS, but the next hurdle they face is the availability of MCQS.
They aren’t sure where to do quality practice, but all these issues have already been solved by TOPGRADE.PK.

Topgrade.pk provides an excellent platform to practice quality MCQS. They have provided MCQS according to
- Topics
- Chapters
- Past papers
- Province wise
- Year wise
- Multiple options like creating a self-managed exam
- Bookmarking your weaker areas and much more
Fears that dominate in attempting MDCAT Entry Test MCQs
As far as it is strongly suggested to practice MCQS and learn from your mistakes, a common fear that dominates is a lack of self-confidence.
When students attempt MCQS and they end up getting 3 out of 010 MCQS correct, it instills in them a fear of incompatibility in the MDCAT exam.
They feel as if their preparation is not up to the mark and get confused. But the thing they are doing wrong here is the lack of understanding that they are in their preparatory phase and it’s okay to make mistakes.
The more you make mistakes, the more you learn, and by the time you reach your exam center, you would have grasped the concepts so excellently that scoring top marks in MDCAT would not be a big deal.
In the end, it is strongly recommended that PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT. The concepts which you will learn through practicing MCQS won’t be learned otherwise and the best platform for this is the top-grade app.