Tips on how to clear AKU entry test and get admission
Securing admission in Aga Khan University (AKU) is dream of every single student. Today, we’ll delve into all the nitty-gritties of AKU entry test preparation. Let’s probe into what type of university AKU is and everything a student want to know about it for the admission in MBBS.
When we talk about the Medical Universities in Pakistan, The AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY comes at the top of the list. It is because of the in-depth research a student needs to go through during his/her studies. The AKU is amongst top 250 Medical Universities around the globe.
The Competition for Admission in MBBS in AKU
The competition for admission in MBBS in Aga Khan University can easily be analyzed by the fact that more than 20 thousand students around the world compete for only 100 available seats for MBBS. So, you can easily comprehend how difficult it is to secure your seat in AKU.
Be that as it may, if one manages to get admission in AKU, then sky is the limit and you’ll surely have a bright future in medical career within Pakistan as well as at every corner of the world.
The Eligibility and Selection Criteria
For Pakistani students, it is necessary that the student has scored minimum of 70% marks in F.Sc (Pre-Medical. In case of A-Level, student must have scored minimum 3B’s in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Fulfilling the above-mentioned credentials, a student is eligible to apply for MBBS in AKU.
As far as the selection criteria is considered, a student will be short listed for the interview by making an aggregate of F.Sc/A-Level score plus the Entry Test score of AKU.
If you perform well in the interview as well, then you’ll manage to secure your MBBS seat.
Steps for Admission in MBBS in AKU
The first step for getting admission in MBBS 2020 in AKU was to apply online before 23rd June, 2020. If you have applied online, the next step is getting the Admit Card that would be necessary to sit in the Entry test.
On the Admit Card, the test time, date and center would be mentioned.
In the next step, you’ll go through the AKU Entry Test on Sunday 6 September, 2020. You’ll be informed about the results and if you get short listed, you’ll be called for the interview in November or December 2020.
In the final step, if you get selected, you’ll be required to submit the fees and gear up for the classes which will commence in March 2021.

The AKU Entry Test
The most important part in the whole process of getting admission in AKU is its entry test. So, let’s delve deeper into it.
The AKU entry test comprises of total 120 MCQs which include 20 MCQs from each major subject; Physics, Chemistry and Biology respectively. It means half of your entry test comes from your major subjects in F.Sc or A-level.
20 MCQs are of Science Reasoning and 30 questions from Math Reasoning.
The key point is you need to focus more on the most likely to be tested areas.
So, you need to focus more on Science Reasoning and Math reasoning as you have not done any practice of these two subjects during your F.Sc or A-level.
So, the next confusion is, what type of questions will appear in the exams?
In AKU entry test, there will be memory-based questions, analysis-based and application questions. Memory-based questions are quite easy as they are extracted from the syllabus of aforementioned F.Sc/A-level major subjects.
In analysis-based question, the information is presented with some twist and students need to comprehend it conceptually and then choose the best answer.
The third ones, application-based questions are the difficult ones as in these questions, you will be given real-life situation to solve like physics numerical. So, this portion is the hardest one in the whole AKU Entry Test.
Overall speaking, application and analysis-based questions possess the highest weightage. Basically, the Physics, Chemistry and Biology portion is the test of your concepts, while, Science and Math Reasoning test your critical thinking ability.
Keeping a close gaze on the pattern of exam, the teaching strategy for AKU Entry Test Preparation in follows the same hierarchy of memory, application and analysis-based questions in our video lectures, fast revision notes and practice tests.
AKU Entry Test Marks
As mentioned above, there are 120 MCQs in the AKU Entry Test. Each question carries 1 mark, so there will be total 120 marks in AKU Entry Test.
Bear in mind, there will be 0.25 negative marking per MCQ in the portion of physics, chemistry and biology in case of wrong answer. On the flipside, there is no negative marking in Science and Math Reasoning questions.
The total time allowed in the AKU Entry Test will be 2 hours and 30 minutes which is ample to attempt 120 MCQs.
AKU Entry Test- Computer based or Paper Based?
Most of the students are confused about the test, whether it will be conducted in the test centers as previously or online. Most probably it would be paper based.
As far as syllabus is considered, it is given on the official website of Aga Khan University.
Study Resources
There is no need to join any academy and waste your time, just stay at home and consult your textbooks for major subjects. But you need to practice what you have gone through and there is very less material available in the market for the preparation of rest portion i.e. Science and Math Reasoning. So, you can also get AKU 2020 Prep Course for in-depth and quick access to learning material.
Here you can easily watch lectures on every topic of designated syllabus, go through fast revision notes and practice thousands of MCQs, topic-wise, chapter-wise and whole portion.
Important Policies for Entry Test
You should attempt every question and must not leave even a single MCQ unanswered. Secondly, you will be allowed to change your answer if you think you’ve marked the wrong option. Students can attempt the question in any order.
If you get stuck at a question, don’t waste your time there and go ahead. After attempting the whole test get back to those difficult ones and choose the best option for them thinking comfortably.
There is no rule to follow a certain sequence in AKU Entry test, you can attempt any question from any portion.
Test Centre
You are required to choose the nearest possible test centre while applying online. Time and Place of the test will be mentioned on your Admit Card.
How will Prepare You for AKU Entry Test
The situation before COVID-19 was different, students used to join the academy and prepare for the test on daily-basis. Even now, when the conditions are getting normal, you would not have enough time to wait for the academies to reopen and then start entry test preparation.
Let’s assume for a moment that academies are open, even then getting admission there for entry test preparation is a bad option due to number of problems.
First of all, it is a waste of time to get ready for academy and then again traveling to and from the academy takes a lot of time. Secondly learning is not personalized. The lectures and tests taken by teachers are for the whole class, so you cannot ask every minute ambiguity in detail.
The testing system in brick and mortar academies has many flaws. For instance, a test taken by a teacher required a week or two to check. That being the case, students are not fully satisfied. Last but not the least, the cost for academy preparation is very high and everyone cannot afford it.
So, if you have a vigilant online solution like, you need not waste your time and money. is not just a website but also Android and iOS application you can install on your mobile devices as well.
We’ve got Video Lectures, Fast Revision Notes, Question Bank/ Test, Full Length Practice Exams for complete preparation of AKU Entry Test while sitting at home. Students can join virtual class-rooms to discuss any problem if they are facing during their entry test preparation.
Strategy for the preparation of AKU Entry Test with
At, you will be going through the whole syllabus of AKU 2020 Syllabus and 5 Full Length practice exams which will be available 24/7. Along the same line, you will have more than 500 video lectures and fast revision notes. There are also 28000+ MCQs in the question bank.
The lectures are followed by tests and test discussions. You can ask about any problem you are facing from the best teachers in Virtual Classrooms.
Let’s delve into how you will do your AKU entry test preparation step-by-step
Read the Textbooks
Reading textbook is crucial to clear the concepts of the allocated syllabus. Students need to highlight important points and mark the confusing points as well.
Listen to the Lecture and View TG slides
For complete understanding of any topic, listen to the video lectures and go through fast revision notes for a quick synopsis of the topic. So, FRNs is a strongest tool to quickly go through a topic.
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