In a recent meeting of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, it has been decided that all provinces must bring forth certain syllabus for medical and dental colleges’ entrance examination. Keeping in view the instructions of PM&DC, UHS has announced the syllabus for MDCAT 2019.
A few changes have been made in the syllabus which seems to be a real bear for the academies and students to get onto the prescribed syllabus immediately.

MDCAT Syllabus 2019
Only MDCAT preparatory platform to update the syllabus accordingly
Keeping a close weather on the needs of students and their precious time, is going to update the syllabus for the MDCAT within 48 hours. No other academy gets onto it as fast as we do. But has always been on the mark when it comes to putting forward the latest entry test updates. Academies can even take more than 3 weeks to understand and implement the latest syllabus.
Alteration of Syllabus
Main changes have been made in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects. A number of topics have been added in these subjects due to which it has become difficult for the academies to deal with the new topics instantly. The details of main topics added in the aforementioned subjects are:
- Cell Biology (Light and Electron Microscopy) and Chloroplast organelles.
- Importance of water added
- Protoctista, Plantae, Animalia chapters added as a whole.
- Transport in plant, plant hormones, and continuously varying traits have been added in Chapter# 14, 17, and 22 respectively.
Elastic and Non elastic collisions, Electromagnetic Spectrum and Potentiometer are added.
Halides, Oxides, Geometry and isomerism of complex ions, H2SO4 as oxidizing and dehydrating agent are added.
Homophones, Antonyms and Synonyms have been added. The grammar topics include Articles, Prepositions, Subject-Verb agreement, Punctuation, tense making and Spellings correction.
Paper Pattern
The total number of Multiple Choice questions will be 200. There will be 80 MCQs from the updated Biology, 60 from Chemistry, 40 from Physics and 20 from English.
Each MCQ will carry one mark and there will be no negative marking.
The time duration to attempt paper will be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
In view of amendments to the Admissions Regulations, it was announced that weightage of the MDCAT and FSC or equivalent qualification result would be 50% each for purposes of calculating merit. Moreover, students who have obtained a minimum 60% marks in MDCAT and 70% in FSC and a minimum aggregate of 70% marks (MDCAT+ F.Sc exam) would only qualify for inclusion in the merit list and for admission subject to merit policy.
For more information about syllabus click here
How much it will effect students and academies?
The alteration of syllabus at this level has brought a number of problems for the students pinning their hopes on getting good scores in the test. The students up till now have prepared according to the last year’s pattern that now has been changed to a great extent. With a time period of less than two months, the students are getting confused how to cover the additional topics in few days they have got. This confusion makes students lose their focus over preparation and they need to get off the mark before it gets too late. The students who are studying in conventional academies are mainly the victim of this problem. The Academies are unable to make instant changes in their academic patterns and can’t even develop practice exams which are actually the only key to pave the way for students wanting to place big score on the board. It can take weeks for academies to provide students with the super-necessary lectures and practice exams for the updated syllabus.
How Online MDCAT Preparation will be the most suitable solution in this regard?
The vigilant online platforms like are basically developed to facilitate the students all in all. The online MDCAT preparation engulfs all the topics related to the new pattern as announced by UHS. All the video lectures, fast revision notes and Practice Tests will be uploaded within 48 hours after the News. This has made possible due to the hard work of the staff, only for the convenience of the students along the way.